18 key features of a successful e-commerce website

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With an adaptable e-commerce website design and website development company in Dubai, everything adjusts automatically to fit the screen you're on. Your device's screen automatically resizes the images, layouts, and graphics.


Are you looking to launch a new e-commerce store or improve an existing one? We've got you covered with the key elements that any successful e-commerce website should include. These critical characteristics should be considered while developing an e-commerce website, from improving the user experience to increasing sales.

Responsive Design

With an adaptable e-commerce website design and website development company in Dubai, everything adjusts automatically to fit the screen you're on. Your device's screen automatically resizes the images, layouts, and graphics. This means you won't have to pinch, zoom, or scroll sideways to see the entire website, whether you're on a desktop, laptop, mobile, tablet, or touchscreen.

Several key elements determine a website's responsiveness:


The resolution (screen clarity) automatically adjusts to fit your device's screen.

All photos resize themselves to fit your screen properly.

 The website layout is very adaptable, changing shape to accommodate any screen size.

 Whether you use a touchscreen, cursor, or mouse, the website runs smoothly.

A fully responsive website construction allows online buyers to explore and purchase items from your business using any device they desire—no squinting, pinching, or annoyance required!

User-friendly interface

To keep visitors pleased, everything on your website should be visually appealing and straightforward. The language, colors, typefaces, images, and layouts all have to be appealing. This captures people's attention and engages them from the moment they visit your website. However, the user-friendly features, such as rapid loading and simple navigation, keep people interested.


A truly user-friendly e-commerce website design consists of three major features:


It works wonderfully on any device, including phones, tablets, and laptop computers.

 The pages load swiftly on all devices.

 Regardless of the device you're using, it's simple to navigate and discover what you're looking for.

 Search engines like Google also reward user-friendly websites by ranking them higher in search results.

Navigation is intuitive

When you go to the store, you want to locate what you're looking for quickly, right? The same holds true for online shopping. An intuitive navigation system allows customers to effortlessly find products on your e-commerce website.


Organize all of your products into logical groups or categories. List the most popular categories first, at the top. This makes it really simple for customers to begin browsing.

E-commerce groups or categories.

One excellent example is the Ounass website. They have separate sections in their main menu for browsing by designer brand and one for what's currently trending. They also provide quick links to their most popular product categories directly from the menu.


Footer Navigation

 The footer is the bottom section of a website. Many stores recognize that this space can be extremely useful for assisting clients!


Instead of wasting space in the footer, include links to your most popular items, key information sites, and frequently requested services. It's an excellent shortcut menu!


Footer Navigation


 Take the Noon e-commerce site. Their bottom contains a wealth of useful links grouped by topic, including clothing, technology, home items, and more. They also provide links to their top brands and mobile applications.


High-quality product images.

 An e-commerce website must have high-quality, clear product images. There are several causes for this.


 First, nowadays, people prefer to view graphics rather than read long paragraphs. Our minds understand images far faster than words.

 Second, research suggests that websites with high-quality images encourage users to share the information more, result in fewer product returns, and keep people interested for longer.

 Third, search engines such as Google believe that if consumers spend more time on a website, it is more valuable. Having excellent images might help your website rank higher in search results.

 Image/Video Carousels

 Many popular e-commerce website designs, like those by Walmart, eBay, and Samsung, have carousels on their homepages. A carousel displays a sequence of photos or movies.


 We use these carousels to showcase the most recent products, deals, promotions, and collections. The photos and videos in the carousel change automatically to display various items.


 Walmart, for example, uses a carousel to showcase outstanding offers, while Namshi, a fashion website, uses one to emphasize discounts and new arrivals.


Search engine optimization

SEO entails making your website easy for search engines like Google to find and understand. This is critical for e-commerce sites to attract visitors.


 Search engines consider a variety of factors when determining whether your site is satisfactory enough to appear in search results when consumers search for what you sell.


To have excellent SEO:


 Use specialized tools to identify the most relevant keywords (words people search for) related to your items.

 Use those keywords in titles, descriptions, and content throughout your website.

 Optimize your homepage to tell visitors what your site is about.

 Create a blog section with useful content that includes keywords.

Use clear product photographs from a variety of perspectives and describe them accurately.

 Secure payment options

 When customers buy from your website, you receive their private payment information, such as credit cards. Ask your e-commerce website-building business to keep this information absolutely private.


To ensure a secure payment system:


 Only acquire the data you need; don't save unnecessary information.

 If consumers so choose, they can check out as guests without creating an account.

 Use an SSL certificate to encrypt and safeguard the data that travels between your website and servers.

 Use payment processors with additional security layers, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS).

 Product reviews and ratings

 Reviews and ratings from previous customers are critical for e-commerce websites. According to studies, 93% of customers read product evaluations before making a purchase.


 You should encourage satisfied customers to provide written and video testimonials on your website. The reviews should be honest and sincere.


 For example, Amazon displays reviews for every product it sells.


 Product reviews and ratings


Search functionality

Popular e-commerce platforms make it simple to integrate custom search functionality into your website. Major websites, such as Amazon, excel at delivering an intuitive search experience.


 Search functionality


 Having a good search feature on your e-commerce site delivers two key advantages:


 It reveals what your consumers are looking for based on the search terms they use.

 Customers can find what they're looking for more quickly and easily.

 To conduct a successful search, a reliable ecommerce web development company is necessary.


The search box is placed in a prominent and easily accessible location.

All menus have a similar style, colors, and typefaces that make them simple to recognize.

 The system uses artificial intelligence (AI) to determine what people are looking for and display the most relevant results.

The software optimizes search for both desktop and mobile devices.

Visible Call-to-Action Buttons

 Every page of your e-commerce website should include obvious "call-to-action" buttons. These are specific buttons that prompt visitors to take the next action, such as "Add to Cart" or "Buy Now.".


 To encourage users to make a speedy purchase choice, the buttons should be plainly visible and have convincing wording.


 You might hire an e-commerce web development business to design your site with powerful call-to-action buttons from the beginning.


 Product Videos

 Adding movies to your product pages can greatly improve sales. More than half of customers said videos helped them decide which product or brand to buy. Most e-commerce website-building platforms allow you to submit videos and photographs for each product listing.


 Apple's website is a wonderful example, as it uses high-quality video to highlight the latest iPhone features in an engaging way.


 Product and store information

 The descriptions you provide for each product must be well-written and useful, not generic. Explain the features, benefits, and why it is the best option for the customer's requirements.

Include a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to address:


Buyers frequently ask questions

General inquiries include payment, shipping, refunds, and privacy.

Providing extensive product information and answering pre-purchase queries increases trust and leads to more sales.

Order Tracking

After placing a purchase, the most common question is, "When will my order arrive?" Make it easy for customers to follow the status of their orders on your website.


 Ask your e-commerce web development business to construct an easy-to-use purchase tracking page.


 This enables concerned shoppers to instantly determine where their item is in the shipping process.


 An e-commerce website operates around the clock. This means that you must also provide 24-hour customer assistance. Your e-commerce website development business can assist with this.


 Many online stores utilize chatbots to assist customers with basic questions at any time. The chatbot can direct clients to specific products or information sites.


 According to surveys, positive attitudes toward chatbots virtually increased between 2020 and 2021 as they became more useful.


 Product availability filters

 If you have many pickup or delivery options, allow customers to simply filter products to see what is available in their preferred manner.

 Personalized recommendations

 Customers' search terms indicate what they are looking for on your website. Use this information to tailor product recommendations for repeat customers.


 You can send them an email or text message with recommendations based on their previous purchases and searches. However, customers must first supply their contact information.


Social media integration

 Having an e-commerce website does not remove the requirement for social media pages. Utilize networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to:


 Build brand awareness.

 Engage potential customers.

 Get product reviews.

 Increase website traffic and offer direct product sales.

If you're ready to start or grow your e-commerce business with a high-performing website, the next step should be to contact a reputable e-commerce web development company.
