safe place outside your business

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For instance, the wannacry attack threatened to freeze victims’ data unless they paid up. Those who did not had their data frozen without hope of recovery.

Employees should know the rules of engagement online especially with regards to your clients’ data as well as basic responses in case of a network breach. Most importantly, however, you should ensure that only authorized users have access to your network and IT systems as many network breaches occur internally.

To this end, your business should have a clear ICT policy known to all your employees. You should also consider getting your employees to attend ICT learning seminars to keep up with developments in cybersecurity.

The Verizon 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report revealed that 63% of all data breaches are caused by weak or lost passwords. Passwords are difficult to keep track of as everyone with access to your business’ network system has one. To this end, there is a need for a comprehensive password policy.

The best way to keep passwords secure is by changing them periodically – this can be weekly, daily, or even hourly depending on the issue’s sensitivity. You should also educate your employees on the best practices for passwords – for instance; they should know how to make their passwords stronger through creativity. Finally, every employee should be held accountable if his/her password is breached.

More info: Network Monitoring Services
